


支持制作必要的, 在平衡客户负担能力需求的同时,格鲁吉亚需要进行关键投资



“自费率请求流程开始以来, 我们要求PSC将利率设定在支持基本需求的水平上, 关键的投资需要满足我们州不断变化的能源需求,” 克里斯•沃马克他是必威betway董事长、总裁兼首席执行官. “今天的决定做到了这一点,同时也平衡了客户的负担能力需求. 通过这个过程, 我们能够提出一个考虑到所有方面的计划, 管理对客户的影响,并支持我们继续专注于提供清洁, 安全, 为格鲁吉亚人民提供可靠和负担得起的能源.”

作为批准, 1月1日生效, 2023, 典型的住宅客户使用1,如果每月使用1000千瓦时,电费将增加约3美元.每月60英镑. 第一年对普通零售客户的影响是2.6%之后增长了大约4%.未来两年每年增长5%.

委员会的决定还批准了公司费率请求的几项变更,这些变更是公司之间规定协议的一部分, PSC员工和一群干预者将公司的三年期利率要求降低了近40%,降至1美元.80亿年.


  • 加强电网建设 - 让电网更安全, 通过对输配电基础设施的投资,包括加强变电站的建设,提高服务的可靠性和安全性,减少停电, 更换变压器, 将电力线移至地下等等. 这些投资提高了可靠性, 减少中断的次数和持续时间, 减少维修时间,为客户提供更好的体验.
  • 改变我们制造能源的方式 -利用更清洁和更经济的方式发电,以帮助客户负担得起的价格-转换我们的发电资源,并继续为客户提供多样化和平衡的发电资源组合, 其中包括额外的具有成本效益的可再生能源.
  • 投资可再生能源和清洁能源 - 在太阳能领域部署新的和扩大的资源, 水电和能源储存继续减少碳排放-计划将我们的可再生发电资源增加一倍,到2035年.
  • 加强运营,改善客户体验 -投资科技,提升客户体验, including investments in a new Customer Information System that enables customer service employees to quickly access customer information and provide more comprehensive and timely solutions; preparing for an integrated software resource platform that offers real-time visibility into the impact of distributed energy resources on the electric system; and investments in the infrastructure and technology needed to support the continued growth of electric transportation in Georgia.



本文中包含的某些信息是基于当前预期和计划的前瞻性信息,涉及风险和不确定性. 前瞻性信息包括, 除此之外, 关于2022年替代费率计划的声明, 包括对客户利率的预期影响, 预计可再生能源发电和未来资本支出. Georgia Power警告说,某些因素可能导致实际结果与所提供的前瞻性信息存在重大差异. 请读者不要过分依赖这些前瞻性信息, 这不是对未来业绩的保证,并受到许多不确定因素和其他因素的影响, many of which are outside the control of Georgia Power; accordingly, 不能保证这些建议的结果将会实现. 以下因素, 除了必威betway截至12月31日的10-K表格年度报告中讨论的内容之外, 2021年及之后的证券备案可能导致实际结果与前瞻性信息所建议的管理层预期存在重大差异:州和联邦利率法规以及未决和未来利率案件和谈判的影响, including rate actions relating to fuel and other cost recovery mechanisms and the 2022 Alternative Rate Plan; the impact of recent and future federal and state regulatory changes, 包括税收, 环境, 以及必威betway应遵守的其他法律法规, as well as changes in application of existing laws and regulations; the extent and timing of costs and legal requirements related to coal combustion residuals; current and future litigation or regulatory investigations, proceedings or inquiries; the effects, 在乔治亚电力经营的市场中,进入额外竞争的程度和时间, including from the development and deployment of alternative energy sources; variations in demand for electricity; available sources and costs of fuels; effects of inflation; the ability to control costs and avoid cost and schedule overruns during the development, 设施的建设和运营, 按照许可证和执照的要求建造设施(包括满足核管理委员会的要求), 以满足任何环境绩效标准和税收抵免和其他激励措施的要求, and to integrate facilities into the 必威betway system upon completion of construction; investment performance of the employee and retiree benefit plans and the nuclear decommissioning trust funds; advances in technology, including the pace and extent of development of low- to no-carbon energy technologies and negative carbon concepts; the ability to successfully operate Georgia Power’s generating, transmission and distribution facilities and the successful performance of necessary corporate functions; the inherent risks involved in operating and constructing nuclear generating facilities; the ability of counterparties of Georgia Power to make payments as and when due and to perform as required; the direct or indirect effect on Georgia Power’s business resulting from cyber intrusion or physical attacks and the threat of physical attacks; interest rate fluctuations and financial market conditions and the results of financing efforts; access to capital markets and other financing sources; changes in Georgia Power’s credit ratings; the ability of Georgia Power to obtain additional generating capacity (or sell excess generating capacity) at competitive prices; catastrophic events such as fires, 地震, 爆炸, 洪水, 龙卷风, 飓风和其他风暴, 干旱, 大流行卫生事件, 政治动荡, 战争, or other similar occurrences; the direct or indirect effects on Georgia Power’s business resulting from incidents affecting the U.S. electric grid or operation of generating resources; and the effect of accounting pronouncements issued periodically by standard setting bodies. 乔治亚电力明确否认更新任何前瞻性信息的任何义务.

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